Potidea Plalace Hotel Blog

The secrets of Potidea Palace’s success

Photo courtesy of @natasha.pautova

  1. The vicinity of the hotel to the sea. In fact, the swimming pool and the beach are approximately 20m apart.
  2. The managerial “open door” policy. The Hotel Manager, as well as the departmental managers, work having the doors of their offices always open. This policy denotes, both symbolically and physically, the accessibility of the top management and the fact that our team is welcome to share anytime their thoughts with them.
  3. The high customer satisfaction of the brand. More precisely, this is reliant on the extended products, namely products that are constructed of the intangible elements of products, such as the staff training, the effectiveness of complaint handling by hotel employees (Bowie and Buttle, 2004). Such an extended product is the following: a core rule in our recruitment process is to hire people for personality and not for skills. And one of the personality traits that we always look for is that hospitality is deeply ingrained in the people whom we hire. In other words, we hire people intrinsically and genuinely hospitable. This is the reason why our team members are willing to go above and beyond to meet your needs and longings. As a matter of fact, this quality of us is the most cited on our Trip Advisor page.
  4. The memory, a skill that the overwhelming majority of our team has. In this way, we remember our repeaters and brand devotees’ predilections and needs.
  5. The access to our 5-star sister property, Pomegranate, and its high-end facilities. Among these, the spectacular Pomegranate Music Fountain shows every night.
  6. Vacation means to us tucking into the goodies of Hospitality and a large part of these goodies at Potidea Palace Hotel concern non-ordinary body and mind indulgences at our Spa Center.
  7. The Parthenon, a replica of the world-class monument by the pool area. There you can organize your private event and stuff your guests’ eyes with wonder.
  8. Our commitment to consistently welcoming you to a world full of action, a world full of joyand a world full of flavours.
  9. Our expertise in creating junior happiness and immaculately crafting the merriment of your family holidays. Indeed, our resort has been distinguished as one of the best hotels of Greece for children, earning the “Top 25 Hotels for Families- Greece” accolade by TripAdvisor Travelers’ choice. The happiness menu for our petite guests ranges from the brand-new Kids’ Club with separate activities for toddlers, children between 4-7 years and 8-12 years old, the amazing themed spray park & kids’ shallow pool to the play center with creative activities, i.e. face painting, arts atelier, and the Children’s swimming pool with fresh water and lifeguard services, to name but a few.
  10. That every day we go foodie, both at our Main restaurant and Acropolis à la carte restaurant, offering you the culinary vacations of which you have always dreamt. The menu unique: Greek and local gastronomy for the most refined tastes.

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