Hospitality for us has always been a deed of giving love, affection and memorable experiences to people who trusted their time and holidays with us. Listening to you telling us that you nibbled on luscious meals that our Chef prepared for you, that you had your sea and sun cravings gratified on our pristine beach, that you made moments that became memories enshrined in your life album, that you tied the knot in an unimaginable place- inside the replica of the Parthenon at the Potidea Palace, that you spent the dreamiest family vacation with us, etc., is a charming feeling. Listening to you telling us that we know how to welcome you inside out sounds like music to our ears. Nevertheless, the love and the appreciation that you have lavished on us all these years make us jump up and down. These are some moments you made us enormously happy:
- When you offer US hospitality from the heart
An archetype of such a hospitality thing to love and to be loved back is starkly crystallized in the narration of a guest, as per below:

These are the times that you incite our personal and organizational fulfillment. These are the times when it is evinced what is hospitality from the heart; both from the heart of the giver and the heart of the receiver.
2 . Your enthusiasm and endorsement whenever we instigate a brand-new project

A challenge of major proportions in the hotel industry is that hotels work on a finite base of resources and, hence, innovating has become more important than ever. As a matter of fact, this incessant innovation is crucial to unleashing long-term advantages and helping our differentiation strategy thrive over the years since the hotels overall do not function in an unlimited resources model, a weighty variant on the Differentiation strategy of the Potidea Palace. Trying to drive change and inaugurate spanking new hospitality experiences, this year we rolled out a new project: All of our guests can limitlessly relish in sandwiches, soft drinks, beer, wine, a wide variety of confectionery, and, of course, ice-cream. Besides, we love to spoil you big time.
All in all, for us, innovating means creating meaningful consumption encounters for you and, in turn, creating meaning consumption encounters for you means taking care of the merriment of your vacation.
3. When we treat each other like family

The adamant truth that permeates our hotel is that when honest-to-goodness hospitality encounters the beckoning beauty of nature, life is fervently celebrated. Aligned with this, we employ policies that allow us to materialize this truth. The most cardinal of these policies is the selective hiring that we implement. Such a hiring is of the utmost importance for organizational effectiveness and for upholding the culture (Beer, 2015). In other words, we hire by traits, we hire for attitude (Murphy, 2017; Taylor, 2011). These traits or attitudes- such as passion, eagerness, self-motivation, affability- are qualities that cannot be taught or trained. They are inborn qualities that can solely be brought and that arouse people emotionally. Well, after all, everything we do ensues from a single thing: You are family to us! And we are committed to treating you like that.
Beer, M. (2015) Sustain Organizational Performance through Continuous Learning, Change and Realignment. Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior. [Online] 537–555.
Murphy, M.A. (2017) Hiring for attitude: a revolutionary approach to recruiting and selecting people with both tremendous skills and superb attitude. New York, McGraw-Hill Education.
Taylor, B. (2011). Hire for attitude, train for skill. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https:// [Accessed on January 6, 2018].